libguestfs0 and ZFS on Linux in Ubuntu

Trying to get Kimchi installed this morning, I ran into a roadblock almost immediately: libguestfs-tools depends on libguestfs0, which, on Ubuntu at least, stupidly has a hard dependency on zfs-fuse. Which is a dead project, and which conflicts with zfsutils.

In the real world, you might want libguestfs-tools without ever wanting the first thing to do with ANY form of zfs, so this dependency is a really bad idea. Even if you DO want to use libguestfs-tools WITH zfs, it’s an incredibly bad idea because zfsutils – part of ZFS on Linux – provides all the functionality needed already. Unfortunately, the package maintainers don’t seem to quite understand the issues here – I’m guessing none of them are ZFS people – so that leaves you with the need to edit the dependencies yourself.

Luckily, that’s not too hard. First, you’ll need a script, which we’ll call debedit:



if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
  echo "Syntax: $0 debfile"
  exit 1

TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/deb.XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1
OUTPUT=`basename "$DEBFILE" .deb`.modified.deb

if [[ -e "$OUTPUT" ]]; then
  echo "$OUTPUT exists."
  rm -r "$TMPDIR"
  exit 1

dpkg-deb -x "$DEBFILE" "$TMPDIR"
dpkg-deb --control "$DEBFILE" "$TMPDIR"/DEBIAN

if [[ ! -e "$TMPDIR"/DEBIAN/control ]]; then
  echo DEBIAN/control not found.

  rm -r "$TMPDIR"
  exit 1


MOD=`stat -c "%y" "$CONTROL"`

if [[ "$MOD" == `stat -c "%y" "$CONTROL"` ]]; then
  echo Not modfied.
  echo Building new deb...
  dpkg -b "$TMPDIR" "$OUTPUT"

rm -r "$TMPDIR"

Save that, name it debedit, and chmod 755 it.

Now, you’ll need to download libguestfs0, which is the package that has the bad dependencies, which you’ll edit:

you@box:~$ apt-get download libguestfs0
you@box:~$ ./debedit libguest*deb

Remove the zfs-fuse dependency from the Depends: line in the deb file, and exit nano. Finally, install your modified libguestfs0 package:

you@box:~$ sudo dpkg -i *modified.deb ; sudo apt-get -f install

All done! At least, until and unless the next update to libguestfs0 downloads and attempts to install a new .deb that wants to put that dependency right back again, in which case you’ll need to lather-rinse-repeat.

I me-too’ed an existing bug at ; if you’re affected, you probably should too.

Published by

Jim Salter

Mercenary sysadmin, open source advocate, and frotzer of the jim-jam.

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